Mar 24th, 2017
Tatsumaki Slots Discord Games
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- Use t!help [command] to get more info on a specific command, for example: t!help rank
- 1. Core - help ping selfroles support
- 2. Social - background badges dailies profile rank reputation setinfo settitle top
- 3. Fun - 8ball cat catfacts choose coin cookie dice fishy fortune numberfacts psychopass ratewaifu reverse rps slots tags
- 5. Utilities - converter google image lotto math remindme shorten stocks strawpoll todo urban vote weather wiki youtube
- 6. Information - apikey avatar changelog channel info role server shared usage
- 8. Memes - beautiful hackerman
- # Don't include the example brackets when using commands!
- Use t@help [command] to get more info on a specific command, for example: t@help stats
- Configuration - autorole botspeak disable enable goodbye ignore language leveledroles notify nsfw persistence prefix selfroles timezone welcome whitelist
- Server Management - ban blacklist deltag help kick points prune scores
- # Don't include the example brackets when using commands!
- Use t!help [command] to get more info on a specific command, for example: t!help rank
- 1. Core - help ping selfroles support
- 2. Social - background badges dailies profile rank reputation setinfo settitle top
- 3. Fun - 8ball cat catfacts choose coin cookie dice fishy fortune numberfacts psychopass ratewaifu reverse rps slots tags
- 5. Utilities - converter google image lotto math remindme shorten stocks strawpoll todo urban vote weather wiki youtube
- 6. Information - apikey avatar changelog channel info role server shared usage
- 8. Memes - beautiful hackerman
- # Don't include the example brackets when using commands!
- Use t@help [command] to get more info on a specific command, for example: t@help stats
- Configuration - autorole botspeak disable enable goodbye ignore language leveledroles notify nsfw persistence prefix selfroles timezone welcome whitelist
- Server Management - ban blacklist deltag help kick points prune scores
- # Don't include the example brackets when using commands!
- Amari's XP and leveling system rewards the most active members in your server! Reward your members by automatically assigning roles when they reach a certain level with access to exclusive channels and privileges.
- NuggetBot is an advanced Discord bot with 99.9% uptime for all your needs. Auto commands including NSFW/Porn, cats, dogs, blackjack, moderation, wikipedia, reddit, youtube/twitch notifications, utilities, social commands and much more!
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Tatsumaki Slots Discord Bots
`Standard Commands List`Use t!help [command] to get more info on a specific command, for example: t!help rank1. Core - help ping selfroles support 2. Social - background badges dailies profile rank reputation setinfo settitle top 3. Fun - 8ball cat catfacts choose coin cookie dice fishy fortune numberfacts psychopass ratewaifu reverse rps slots tags 4. Economy - credits points 5. Utilities - converter google image lotto math remindme shorten stocks strawpoll todo urban vote weather wiki youtube 6. Information - apikey avatar changelog channel info role server shared usage 7. Anime - anime manga osu sic 8. Memes - beautiful hackerman 9. NSFW - danbooru gelbooru safebooru yandere # Don't include the example brackets when using commands!# To view mod commands, use t@helpModerator Commands List Use t@help [command] to get more info on a specific command, for example: t@help statsConfiguration - autorole botspeak disable enable goodbye ignore language leveledroles notify nsfw persistence prefix selfroles timezone welcome whitelist Information - rss stats Server Management - ban blacklist deltag help kick points prune scores # Don't include the example brackets when using commands!# To view standard commands, use t!helpTatsumaki Slots Discord Server
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